Pocket Import

Pocket Import

Upnext can import your Pocket list into your library. You can import as often as you'd like to keep the two in sync.

How to import

  1. Connect your pocket account by visiting https://www.upnext.in/connect/pocket.
  2. Login to Upnext
  3. image
  4. Connect your Pocket account
  5. image
  6. Import!
  7. image

After Importing

Once you import your Pocket content, everything you've saved to Pocket will be added to your Upnext library. We automatically mark archived items in Pocket as completed in Upnext. You can also find all of your Pocket content in the "Imported from Pocket" list that is created when you Import for the first time.

You can can import as many times as you'd like. When we import your Pocket content Upnext makes sure to import only new content, so you can keep your library in sync by visiting the Pocket connect page and clicking "Import again".

Known Issues

Our Pocket import feature is currently in Alpha and there are some known issues with it. Please reach out if you have any issues!

  • Mobile app performance: The app will be very slow for a short period of time while it downloads and imports all of your Pocket content. The time period will depend on the amount of content you import. Once your content has been fully downloaded the app will resume normal operation. We're actively working on improving this!
  • Minor Import Status Delays: The import website can be slow to update as the Pocket sync starts.